Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Post Your Christmas Book Wish List Here!


Erin said...

In no order whatsoever:

Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire

Casket of Souls by Lynn Flewelling

The Doctrine of Labyrinths quartet by Sarah Monette

Lisa G. said...

The only book I put on my wish list was the "Parks and Recreation" book about Pawnee, Indiana, written/compiled by Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler). And it's not on my wish list anymore, because my Barnes & Noble secret Santa got it for me! :D Yay!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading my first book on the Nook.

It was a torrid romance.

Not my normal read, but since the Nook costs so much money (and I just can't justify buying a book right now) & I haven't figured out how to download books from the library, I was limited in my choices to my Nook friends' lends. It was campy, formulaic and improbable from beginning to end.

What surprised me the most was how much I actually enjoyed it. It was a well-spent afternoon. Thanks, Martha!

Christine said...

Cool! Glad yo got a Nook, Mary! All the classics are available for free. Try doing a search for books "0.00". Also, our library has a librarian who specializes in ebook/ereader help. Her name is Jodi. Just call reference and see when she has hours next.

Erin, did you get any of your books for Christmas?

Mary McGinn said...


I really need help with my Nook. I bought a book that won't download, it's making funny sounds, a couple of kids' books which I didn't purchase showed up...

So far, the only thing I can do successfully is borrow books from Martha, and I'm afraid she's going to get tired of hearing from me soon.

Librarian Jodi has a help class on Wednesday morning, and yes, I'm going. (Although what I really need is the HELP!!! class.)

It always takes me a while to get the hang of new technology...